Monday, February 28, 2011

Who are the Useful Idiots?

The left think it is the Tea Party.  I am not sure anyone is a useful idiot.  I don't think the right thinks that way.  The term "useful idiot" came about from Soviet sympathizers in the west.  Most would agree most people are not well educated in history, philosophy, political science and economics.  But the attitude one takes towards these people vary depending on your ontology.  I as a libertarian believe a fair education is essential to a better society.  However, it is a pipe dream to think everyone can be at the same level to debate the nuances of Austrian Economics compared to Monetarism or Distributivism.  But we must be guarded by the lefts attempts to indoctrinate people into indefensible positions that can only be defended through emotional defiance.   I just got into a debate with a "useful idiot" of the left.  He did not know his history, he mis quoted the Constitutions 3/5ths clause, stated Republican supported abortion in 1972 and then went on to defend abortion.  He also railed against Glenn Beck for being a hate monger but then could not come up with a single smoking gun to back up his desire to have Beck removed from the airways.  He then went on and called me a kool-aid drinker and demonized Republicans and Beck - the same type of demonizing he accused beck of doing.  There are useful idiots on the left.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What is Wrong with Busting Unions?

Perhaps there is something I am missing? What value do Unions provide? Collective bargaining? Let's see...workers as a large group go to a business owner and demand a raise, better health care, a pension, or else! Collective bargaining ends up equalizing workers so those that do a better job don't get rewarded and those that are sub-par can't be fired. A business owner is not bargaining in an actual sense, they are being extorted! I wonder what would happen if businesses got together and collectively bargained with consumers on what prices consumers need to pay them for their services? Oops, that would be collusion and that is illegal. Doesn't it seem when you take something and thrust it into a different, but comparable scenario, and it doesn't pass the sniff test, perhaps it is something we should not be doing? The Unions do just this all while taking a chunk of members paycheck to support politicians that give the unions even more power over the lives of non-union workers. This is exactly why Wisconsin is in turmoil. Unions have the mentality, if you are with us you prosper, if you're not, you suffer. The other promise Unions claim is job security. I have worked for 3 union shops and 1 non-union shop in the past 15 years. Guess which one is still manufacturing in the USA and providing a livable wage for its employees? Now you know why I ask the question. If people can not freely associate then it is oppression. Try working for a school district and NOT join the union.

"Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but too few capitalists." GK Chesterton

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An easy debate

The question is not why not, it is why? Progressives and other leftist thinking people are looking to adjust the knobs and create a "new world order". Similar to global warming, I mean climate change, I mean brrrr global extremes, it is not for us to prove why not change our lives for a better society or planet, but for them to use facts and logic to convince use otherwise.