Probably already a book title somewhere, this attempt is to define the term progressivism so that a "progressive" person would agree with the definition, then from a philosophical, economic, and religious view, demonstrate the dangers of such an ideology and offer a more sound solution to long term improvements in the human condition. Because ideology goes deeper than religion, which I will explain later, there is little hope to change those deeply ingrained into the social engineering ideology. This paper will hopefully help the fence sitters or uncommitted minds understand that while they may not end up a libertarian, convervative, objectivist, or constitutionalist, but rather recognize the danger, dare I say evil, of a progressive ideology.
A progressive in their own mind, is someone who believes through the power of the collective (working together), man can create a better world. They are conditioned to believe that status quo is not altruistic and that there is always a better answer around the corner and all that holds us back is people that are stuck in their ways.
One could argue that the definition above, save for the collective part, applies to an entrepreneur. However, that would not be accurate. The entrepreneur is not looking for change or for a better answer, but rather a person willing to take an individual risk to invest their money, energy and time into an idea they have in hopes it will pay off for them. The risk and the reward is theirs and possibly their families. The progressive believes in a collective risk and reward scenario.
The obvious flaw in Progressives are their desire to take collective risk even though non-progressives agree to take the risk. In their lies the tyranny. Anytime someone wants to do something for the greater good or society they are imposing their will onto others.
This is why progressivism was born out of religion. The idea of helping ones fellow man is very tempting, but those well versed in Natural Law recognize the evil of imposing tyranny over our fellow man in order to make others suffer less. This is also the reason progressives exist in most every religion and how the left and Islamic extremists can be seen working together against Israel or to create revolution.
Because the motivations to create a "fair" and better world are deeply ingrained into progressivism, their is little doubt we will be able to show people the errors of their way. It is difficult for many to grasp the idea of suffering from personal risk or the "mean" thought of motivation thru the risk of poverty.
Although one need not look far to see that the greatest improvements in liberty, life and property have come when these things are individually protected and not collectively shared, it is difficult for progressives to get past the emotional issues of suffering, unfairness and mans nature to sin.
The most frustrating part for the libertarian is we don't stand a chance in a Bureaucracy against a progressive. As the individualist pursues his or her dream and takes on risk the progressive is organizing into social activism and promising the "masses" protection from failure to create a social order that works against the individual before the individual even thinks about what has happened. That is why it has take us 70 years to finally create the Tea Party movement to help conservatives and libertarians organize enough to keep the pendulum from swinging too much against them.