Sunday, February 28, 2010

SVTP Update

We are up to 110 emails on our mailing list. Think of the potential we have of being a force in the Sauk Valley. If we all brought someone with us to our next Tea Party and we convinced just 2 other people to come, we could approach 500 people. This may not seem like much, but when local elections are in the 100's and state office representative positions are in the low thousands, it seems we have the ability to get our voices heard. Not to sound too much like a community organizer, but the one thing I have learned about this system we have inherited through the years is that the squeeky wheel gets the oil. It is our duty to counter balance the progressive movements and be the voice of reason and our constitution. Please get involved, not only with your opinion, but talk to your neighbors, let them know that apathy will no longer cut it. The tipping point is far closer than most care to admit. There are over 100 taxes that did not exist 100 years ago, there are thousands of regulations that constrict our individual liberties that did not exist 50 years ago, there is a mentality in Washington that government is the answer, not the problem. It is time to re-invigerate this movement with a cross section of the sauk valley and build our coalition to make the positive constitutional changes needed in the next election cycle. God Bless.

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