Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Response to a Response on Common Good

Someone, please enlighten me as to what exactly is the "common good"? Certainly, we should be able to agree on that. After all, they are "common", right? Health Care? Oops it seems over 1/2 the country disagrees with what the Dems and the 'President' want to do. How about Iraq, nope, better not go there. How about one that is actually in the constitution, the right to own guns, oops, seems some want to re-write that one. How about abortion, social security, cash for clunkers, stimulus package, welfare reform, the patriot act, government funding of Acorn? You see, there is no such thing as "common good". All of our founding fathers with the exception of Hamilton believed that the Federal Government did NOT have the power to promote any "common good" outside those specifically enumerated in the constitution. Our founding fathers knew, as do I, when you have a "common good" that others don't see as COMMON or GOOD, and you use the government to force that "COMMON GOOD" upon others, that is called OPPRESSION. And that is against our right to Liberty AND Property.

When your computer is infiltrated by a virus, you "reboot" to go back to a restore point before the virus. We have had over 100 years of progressive ideology transform our Constitutional Republic and Government. I used the issue of health care as an example about the fundamental philosophical differences between those that want to protect our Natural Laws, and those that impose tyranny on those that don't agree with the mandated "common good". Similar to our founding fathers, we are starting with corner protests, but our ideology of liberty will grow and prevail, because it is human nature to be free. Our movement is to re-connect people with the concept of individual liberty and personal responsibility. We all should strive to make a difference, but you don't petition your government to do so, you get off your computer and volunteer, form a charity, coach, mentor, start a business, mow your neighbors lawn, read to a child, make a difference in others' lives. It is not the Governments responsibility to take care of us (nor is it allowed by the constitution). It is our individual responsibility to take care of ourselves and others. So again, I say, we must REBOOT our Government and return our country to a Constitutional Republic that valued and protected EVERYONES individual liberties.

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