Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why Democrats and Non-Progressive Left Leaners should study Distributism

I urge anyone that does not understand the right, or the tea party, or what is so great about capitalism, google distributism, read the wikipedia summary and then read about economic personalism.

I understand that it is difficult to have a wholesale transformation like Saul getting knocked off his ass, but perhaps you may see the dignity of the individual in this economic philosophy.

I can empathize with those on the left that fear the unknown - the greedy, cold, corporation that does not care about people and crush the 'little guy'. However, I lose connection when they do not correlate the same possibility to government. Anytime institutions grow, they grow impersonal, and grow in their ability to hide thieves and megalomaniacs in their bureaucracy. Is it not bureaucracy that is the chill that robs organizations of their humanity?

This is an appeal to you, the non-republican, non-conservative, non-capitalists, non-tea partiers, and non-involved and repulsed by political activism, to read up on Distributism, as I believe you will find an emotional connection to an economic philosophy that perhaps can bring us closer together.

In a nut shell, distributism is intended to decentralize authority, eliminate the ability of corporation to grow too big to fail, and support the growth of cooperatives, guilds and independent businesses. It in many ways sounds very close to decentralized Marxism with 2 HUGE exceptions. First, it puts a tremendous emphasis on personal PROPERTY rights, which if you understand Marx, there is no individual right to property. Second, it is NOT about re distribution of wealth but about maximizing independence.

If you can get over those two hurdles, I believe distributism could transform your way of looking at the world.

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