Friday, April 22, 2011

If we forget why Easter is Easter we are doomed

“Have not we — the people of God — become to a large extent a people of unbelief and distance from God?” This is the question. 

There are 3 reasons for the United States success. 

1) Critical Thinking - the development our minds to overcome our environment; we advance in science, medicine, technology - making us innovation leaders. 

2) Competition - critical thinking can not happen without a FREE market of ideas. We hone our skills and push ourselves further than our comfort level through competition. 

3) A Faithful Judeo-Christian Belief System - Neither critical thinking or competition can exist without belief in Natural Law - inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and Property. Inalienable rights come from GOD and cannot be taken from man. Competition and Critical Thinking without Faith in God is like drinking salt water to quench your thirst. Our Faith gives us our work-ethic, an understanding that some things are worth suffering for, and 7 virtues - prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope, and charity (yes,Glenn Beck fell short). 

Our Faith allowed us to embrace a new style of government that flipped the idea of government in society. The idea that man can rule himself. There is a direct correlation between our country becoming more secular and our fall from the top. Secularism destroys the moral fabric of society and leads to corruption in competition and critical thinking. What else explains the dumbing down of our country? Why have our schools fallen behind? Why are we seeing more and more manufactured products coming in from China? Why are more inventions coming from other parts of the world? 

If you are celebrating Earth Day today along side, or instead of Good Friday, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. This blessed weekend, ask yourself the question, have we turned our back on God?

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