Sunday, March 27, 2011

My how times have changed

I have recently been doing some reading and viewing on the history of unions in the US.  I really can not believe how much times really have changed and how much we have changed thru indoctrination by social collectivists, populists, secularists and progressives. 

The one that was so enlightening and disturbing at the same time was reading up on the modern labor movement and listening to George Meany the former president say in 1955, "It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government."  And, to hear FDR at his 1937 press conference make it clear that Unions have no right to collectively bargain OR strike.  Look where we are today.  Shameful.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that good people will march for the Unions in protest yet they are so ignorant of just what they are doing. Self interest and greed, fear and misplaced hope is at the root of their delusion.If they had the heart to see it from the other side and put themselves in that situation, they would be able to understand. To love your neighbor as yourself means treating the other with the same justice and fairness you would have yourself with a clean conscience.
