Sunday, March 27, 2011

You Can Not Multiply Weath by Dividing It

This is a quote from Baptist Minister Adrian Rogers.  Despite the ever so simplistic common sense way he best summed up what is wrong with redistribution, some people just don't get it.  There is another more harsh saying that goes, "You can't fix stupid!"  This one is not quite right.  You can fix stupid, but I have my doubts that you can not fix PRIDE.  Pride is the root of all sin and despite a millennium of history that shows taking (stealing) from one and giving to the other, never creates wealth, man continually pushes to do just that.  Pride can not be fixed by another, but one has to recognize in them self the sin of Pride before 'fixing' can occur.  One must reach into themselves to understand you can not change human nature and you can not change Natural Law.  Until the left comes to the realization that their Pride has clouded their judgement, there can never be the very Utopia they wish for.  For the closest thing to Utopia is pure liberty for everyone and the only threat to liberty comes when one steps on the God given rights of another and forces an egalitarian society.

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