This does not represent the views of the SVTP, just me
Lt Governor - Jason Plummer - this was a hard choice because I really liked Brad Cole. But Jason has a command of the issues and the go get'em attitude that gives me confidence in him. He is ahead in the polls and Brad is in last, so that helps solidify my decision. Don Tracy is second in the polls and a nice guy, but Jason is far more in command of where he is an wants to do in the position.
US Senate - Patrick Hughes - I know, most tea partiers are saying Judge Lowery, but I met Pat and believe him to be a stand up guy. I like Kathleen Thomas's views as well, but I think a more vibrant candidate has the best chance of winning and I think Pat is more electable and shares the same values. Not trying to come across as an ageist, but I am thinking more about November and the Democrat candidate and I think Pat simply has a better chance with the general public. For the life of me, I can not figure out why Mark Kirk is leading in the polls. I understand his name recognition, but his voting record simply does not cut the mustard with me.
Comptroller - Jim Dodge - he is from the classic Chicago School side on economics and has read Hayek. Lets put a smart financial guy in this post and not a political hack - please.
Most of the other areas have single candidates, but one comment on a district that I do not belong in. If I lived in the 14th District I would throw my support behind Randy Hultgren. I met both Ethan and Randy and like them both very much. However, I think Randy is more of an outsider. I have a feeling in my gut, Ethan is a bit more rounded than his Dad when it comes to libertarianism so if he wins, don't abandon him just because you we not happy with his Dad at the end of his career.
ALL choices make good sense to me. I will be pulling the lever for Proft, despite his views on the death penalty. A good man who gets it.
ReplyDeletePatrick Hughes for Senate. I too am very frustrated about the senate race. I cannot believe the lead that Mark Kirk has. Do people just don't care about his voting record. He has voted for everything he says he is against now. THIS is the person Illinoisians want in the Senate. The Dem's will wipe the floor with him. But, Hughes is a good man who has gotten some traction late (the ONLY repubulican candidate that is even CLOSE to double digit numbers, outside of Kirk. ) We need to be alert about this: If any republican wants to have someone beside Mark Kirk, then we will need to vote for the only other viable candidate (and still it will be a hope and a prayer) and that is Patrick Hughes.
Here, Here on Dan Proft - he did the same with the Homer/Lockport Tea Party. He has a stratigic plan for reform. And as a tea partier I am for smaller government and less taxes. Dan is the only candidate that will immediately cut taxes. All the other candidates including Adam want to keep the status quo and balance the budget before cutting taxes. We need immediate jump start to the economy in Illinois that tax cuts would provide. This is Reaganomics, trickle down economics works and that is Dan's plan. We are supporting PROFT for GOVERNOOR!