Thursday, January 7, 2010

Who to Vote For

If you want to be told who to vote for, you came to the wrong place. If you want to be told how to arrive at a decision, please read on. Step 1, come to the Sauk Valley Voter Education Fair. Step 2, follow the following Simple Rules.

Rule 1. Do not vote for anyone that is not willing to immediately put forth bills that will stem corruption in Springfield or DC. Idea's such as Spending Caps tied to GDP, Term Limits, Tying government workers compensation to the average Americans income, Capping retirement benefits for elected official, eliminating institutionalized lobbying, etc.

Rule 2. Vote for candidates that understand the constitution and what Natural Law means.

Rule 3. Vote for candidates that take an oath to limit their own terms, and benefits.

Rule 4. Do not vote for any candidate that wants to utilize the power of the Government to create jobs, redistribute wealth or protect us from ourselves. The roll of legislatures, presidents are constitutionally limited to the following - insure the free flow of trade between states which means a strong and efficient transportation system; protect the borders of the US which is obviously defense spending; protect ALL INDIVIDUAL citizens Life, Liberty and Property from the force of others and from the Government itself; There are so many current laws today that already impede upon its citizens, it would take years to reverse the serious of programs and laws that have impeded life, liberty and property of every individual. Coin money - which means end the Fed Reserve and restore back the the people sovereignty over our own money.

Rule 5. Vote for the candidate that believes in equal treatment under the law. Which means, no progressive tax system, no unequal distribution of taxpayer funds, and equal playing field between the government and private industry for charitable purposes, no government health care.

Rule 6. Never vote for the incombant that has served more than one term. Rotating the crops keeps the ground fertile, even if the next crop is still a vegetable.

Rule 7. Vote for candidates that believe CO2 is NOT a Green House Gas responsible for global warming. The science is settled, we are in a cooling period and there is NO proof that man has contribued to Global warming.

Rule 8. Vote for the candidate that believes parents make better decisions about their childrens education than governments. If public schools continue to be a necessary evil, vote for the candidate that will tie money to the children, not to a building and teachers.

Rule 9. Vote for the candidate that believes conceal carry increase safety in our streets

Rule 10. Vote for the candidate that understands Life Begins at Conception and Science supports that fact far better than any science supports the idea of man made Global Warming.

If you follow these 10 rules, this country will become stronger, healthier, more prosperous and better equiped to deal with the challenges ahead.

God Bless America.

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