Government spending - I don't think anyone

The Sauk Valley Tea Party Platform
1) Petition for an amendment to the Constitution that limits Government Spending to %15 of GDP. An amendment on spending would do far more than a balanced budget amendment in that it puts a clear cap on spending and thus the power of the federal government. 15% is plenty of funding for those things called upon in our constitution as the responsibility of the federal government.
2) Repeal the 16th Amendment. Income taxes are not only unfair, but unwise. Penalizing success never works. You don't punish your child for improving his/her grades. Prior to the 16th Amendment, our country acquired its revenue through tariffs. What better way to raise revenue than to penalize those things that stifle domestic production. "Free traders" will tell me that this would create a trade war and harm our exports, but don't believe their propaganda. Does anyone really believe free trade exists? We import billions from China, yet their manufacturers do not have the same restrictions or circumstances as US manufacturers - how is that free? Imposing higher duties on imports may hurt our exports in the short run, but the increase in domestic production would far outweigh any negative impact in the long run. The tariffs are not punitive, they only need to be high enough to fund a much leaner Federal Government.
3) Term limits across the board. Our Founding Fathers believed men should serve their government at their leisure. We have made serving in government a career rather than a sacrifice. We are creating a ruling class or bourgeoisie, the very thing we fought against in our Revolution. Look at all the second, third and now fourth generation of politicians in Washington. 2 consecutive term limits across every position would insure our government is not locked into a culture of corruption. No person is irreplaceable.
4) Illegalize Earmarks - No representative can put in any local spending amendments that are not relevant to the bill. Local expenditures must remain local. Voting on whether a city airport needs expansion should have nothing to do with a national defense program. If an airport is crucial to a military installation it should be made clear in the bill with detailed justification.
5) Ban Institutionalized Lobbying - we live in a free society where every individual is important. The game has been set up in Washington in a way that you have to Pay to Play. That is immoral. If a trade organization is interested in having influence on passing legislation they should have the same recourse as the average citizen - call, write or meet your LOCAL representative at his local office. In other words, an industry lobbyists would only be allowed to meet with the congressman and state senators from their HQ's district - period. It does not matter they have factories in multiple states - 1 congressman, 2 senators per group - period.
6) Enact HR1207 to Audit the Federal Reserve. The Fed Reserve can not be allowed to act in its best interest when it is not in the interest of the American People. Transparency can only happen if the books are opened.
We ask you to get involved and help us build a coalition of rugged individuals.

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