"Common Good" is at best a Noble Lie at worst a prevarication. What is good for one, is rarely good for all. "Common Good" is a man made tool to control behavior, make people sacrifice something or take something away from them. Unlike "Common Good", Universal Good is a Divine Truth with 3 principals - the protection of life, liberty and property of each individual human. Also known as the Natural Laws of Man and the basis for our Declaration of Independence.
The "Common Good" tool is used to sacrifice all or part of a Universal Good. Entitlements, progressive taxation, "sin taxes", the draft, Obama's volunteer bill, price fixing, stimulus packages, universal health care, are just a few examples of legislation under the guises of "Common Good".
The Hippocratic oath says "do no harm". This oath taken by physicians, obviously does not apply to politicians. "Common Good" legislation always ends up hurting someone, sometimes the very people it was intended to help. Once governments trys to protect anything outside the Universal Good, they become oppressive. "Common Good" is politicians way to excuse themselves from responsibility for their actions as they manipulate people into sacrifice, service or obligation. "Common Good" is code for "I am about to infringe upon your life, liberty or property, for my personal idea of Utopia".
Rather than sacrificing for the "Common Good", I am asking you to fight for the Universal Good of the protection of Life, Liberty and Property. As Edmond Burke said, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
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