I want to thank everyone who braved the rain today to come out and let your voices be heard and signs seen. Despite the inclement weather, it was comforting to see people sharing the same passions as my family. We are not the "demonstrating" type. We are working people who would frankly rather be celebrating the 4th as we have in years past with friends and family. However, my eyes have been widening since 9-11 and today I feel no longer able to "trust" the system. As an independent thinker with a thirst for history, it has become clear, that our country has veered so far off course, that I can no longer be part of the silent majority.
The time for action is now. The platform is simple - reduce the size and power of the federal government by over half, bring true transparency to our monetary & taxation system, end the megalomania of the career politicians with term limits, reverse the special interest patronage, and develop a grass roots network of independent, constitutionally inspired, God-loving citizens.
My purpose is clear. I want to help educate anyone who will listen about our Constitution, economics, and our history in hopes they will join me in standing up for the American Way.
I invite anyone to write for this blog to share our wealth of opinions and knowledge. Simply email me and indicate you would like to contribute and I will add you to the editors list.
God bless you and our great country.
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